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MASTERCLASS: Meval, Juni 2024

Meval, Juni 2024
Mutual Evaluation Caribbean Financial Action Task Force

Bo tabata sa ku tin un eveluashon internashonal di Korsou na kaminda? Bo tabata sa ku e evaluashon aki ta afekta nos tur komo suidadano? Bo tabata sa ku e resultado di e eveluashon aki lo afekta nos situation finansiero i ekonomiko? Bo ta kla pa paga mas pa tur produkto, esan basiko i mas ku nos ta importa for di afo?

Nos pais tin ku kumpli ku reglanan internashonal kontra di labamentu di plaka i finansiamentu di terorismo. Na momentu ku nos no kumpli esaki tin konsekuensha pa nos tur su potmoni. 

Bin skucha dia 8 di mei 2024 den nos Masterclass, AML CFT CFP COmpliance tur loke bo mester sa tokante di e topiko aki. Bin tende kon abo komo empresario por kontribui i juda nos Pais dor di kumpli ku reglanan di Compliance.


Marjolaine Jardinier

AML CFT CFP Compliance Professional and Trainer

Mariluz Manuela

Owner and founder

Anna-Maria Pauletta

Environment Advocate

Tatiana Felix

Owner and founder

  • Date : 8 May 2024
  • Time : 18:30 - 21:00 (UTC-4)
  • Reg. Deadline : 7 May 2024 6:00 pm

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FREE (Sale start on 2024-07-27 )
ƒ 0,00
ƒ 0
General (Sale start on 2024-07-27 )
ƒ 25,00
ƒ 0
ƒ 0



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